Wednesday 4 February 2015

From 19 to 20, expectations.

And guess what happened since the last time I blog? Oh well, I recreate a new Instagram account and reactivated my Twitter back. It seems that I am overly attached to social networks. Perhaps I should slowly be invisible.

I'll be 20 in about four more months and I have certain expectations that I list out in my mind. Because sometime I need some make believe day dreaming could cheer up my day.

And here it goes:

1. Be comfortable in my own skin.
I should really start working out, I'm really jealous of people that can shop everywhere they want and got themselves some really good deal and pretty things. While I had to shop in a freaking department store, my friends are practically trying every outfit there is in H&M, Cotton On and Esprit. I don't need to be skinny, I just need to shed away some fat so semester 2 will be the start of something new before my birthday. I expect to lose 20 kilos before 22nd of June, so I can buy myself something nice.

2. Real friends are diamonds.
So basically I need to redefined my social circle and list down who should stay and ought to leave with their bullshits. Making friends is hard for me and indeed I am not a good friend, I admit that. Because sometime, I just feel left out from everything.

3. Enjoy life as it.
Since I'm about to enter my 20. I should start enjoy life more and stop being such an antisocial and look around for stuffs on my phone. I need to just live the life and be grateful about everything. Be more optimistic instead of a pessimistic.

Well, I guess that is all my current expectations or basically goals. Tehee.Till then party people.

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